8 High Protein Foods for Weight Loss

8 High Protein Foods for Weight Loss

High protein foods to lose weight.

Do you struggle to eat enough protein throughout the day? Are you constantly hungry or craving more food? Sounds like you may not be getting enough protein, or eating the best high protein foods for weight loss.

Getting enough protein in your diet is extremely important. For weight loss or building muscle protein is key. I know it can be difficult, especially if you’re not used to making protein a priority. I’m going to share with you why you need protein, the benefits of including more protein in your diet, and a list of 8 high protein foods to help you on your weight loss journey.

Why Do You Need Protein?

First off, what is protein, and why do you need protein? Protein is one of three essential macronutrients (carbs, fats, and protein). It’s the macronutrient that is responsible for building and maintaining muscle. Protein and muscle go hand in hand. You need it if you want to grow. There’s a reason all the ads you see for protein supplements have some insanely jacked person in them (although they don’t look that way just from eating protein – if you know what I mean). Even when your main goal is fat loss you need protein. Keeping your hard earned muscle along the way is important. What’s the point of losing weight if you’re getting rid of all your muscle in the process?

Benefits of Eating More Protein

Along with being an essential macronutrient, protein has a wealth of benefits. Like previously mentioned, muscle mass would be the leading benefit for most people. As you age this can become increasingly important. Having sufficient protein in your diet will help to slow down loss of muscle and will help keep your bones healthy. Protein combined with staying physically active, and including some kind of strength training will lead to a healthier, higher quality life as you age.

Protein keeps you full! Out of carbs, fats, and protein – protein is the most filling. This is a huge benefit if you’re eating to lose weight. Reducing your appetite and keeping you more satisfied will lead to better sustainable weight loss results. Try prioritizing protein with each of your meals and watch your cravings fade away. It’s hard to be hungry after eating a plate of eggs or enjoying a nice juicy steak.

Protein has the highest thermic effect of food (TEF). Part of the calories in the food you’re eating are used to digest your food. When compared to carbs and fats, protein burns more calories this way. You’re not going to burn a ton of extra calories, but having a higher protein diet will give you a little calorie burning boost.

Setting Your Daily Protein Goal

An easy to follow and good rule of thumb is 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. There are a handful of factors to consider that may affect this guideline. Your current lifestyle is a major consideration, as well as what you enjoy.

If you don’t like meat, you don’t eat very much meat, or if you’re vegan you may struggle to hit a goal of 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. However, hitting that goal is still very attainable.

Meal frequency will also play a role in setting your daily goal. Only eating 1 or 2 meals a day will make hitting a higher protein goal more difficult. The more meals you are eating throughout the day, the easier it will be for you to hit your number.

If you’re obese or significantly overweight eating 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight will likely be too much. For example, it’s not necessary for a 300 pound man with 30% body fat to eat 300 grams of protein every day. You could base your goal on your lean body mass instead (210 lbs.), or start with a lower goal as I explain below.

In any of the above situations or any other scenario where you struggle to get enough protein, you can start by setting yourself a lower protein goal. In the range of .6 to .8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. You don’t need to go crazy and go from 0 to 100 either. If you aren’t currently eating anywhere close to 1 gram per pound of bodyweight, start much lower and work your way up. Gradually make adjustments and ease into your new goal. This will help make your nutrition changes and weight loss more sustainable long term.

8 High Protein Foods for Weight Loss

Alright, what you’ve been waiting for! Here’s my list of the best high protein foods for weight loss (in no particular order).

1. Poultry – Chicken & Turkey

Chicken and turkey are both fantastic protein sources. When eaten without the skin, both are great lower calorie high protein options. Easy to cook, accessible, and affordable. It’s hard to go wrong with either of these.

2. Eggs & Egg Whites

One large whole egg is about 70 calories with 6 grams of protein, with one egg white being 16 calories and being almost entirely made up of protein. Eggs aren’t the most protein dense food on this list, but they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. They are extremely healthy, nutritious, and filling. Also being an easy and affordable option, eggs are always a staple in my diet.

3. Dairy Products – Greek Yogurt & Cottage Cheese

My two go to high protein dairy products for weight loss are greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Both are low calorie and full of protein. Along with the benefits of a higher protein diet, both are high in calcium, and make a great snack on the go.

4. Fish & Shellfish

Fish and shellfish of all types can be great protein options. Salmon, tuna, and shrimp are a few of my favorites – low calorie, delicious, and full of nutrients. Some fish have a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids as an added health benefit.

5. Protein Supplements

High protein foods to lose weight - protein supplements.
Easy on the go protein.

Protein powders and bars are an excellent choice if you need some convenient protein on the go. Supplementing with a protein powder is another way to make sure you are hitting your daily protein goal. There are a wide variety of protein powders available. Calories and the amount of protein will vary depending on what you get. A high quality whey protein powder is always a good option.

6. Tofu, Tempeh, & Other Soy Products

Tofu, tempeh, and other soy products are some of the best higher protein options for vegans. Both tofu and tempeh are versatile and can be cooked in a number of ways. Tempeh will typically have more protein than tofu, while also being more calorie dense. These may not be the most popular choices, but don’t be afraid to give them a shot. I’ve enjoyed some insanely delicious vegan meals while traveling in Southeast Asia.

7. Legumes – Beans & Lentils

Beans and lentils are another quality vegan or vegetarian protein option – or great for anyone looking to try a different protein source. They’re useful in many different dishes, cheap, and nutritious. Legumes are also rich in fiber, and can contribute to a healthy gut.

8. Beef & Other Lean Meats

Looks like I saved the best for last – in my opinion. Leaner cuts of beef or other lean cuts of meat like pork, goat, or lamb are some of the best high protein foods for weight loss. All packed with protein, rich in iron, full of vitamins, and plenty of essential nutrients. Loin and round cuts, lean ground beef, or sirloin and flank steaks are all great leaner options to save some calories. (It’s hard to beat a nice fatty reverse seared ribeye if you ask me though, am I right?)

High protein foods to lose weight - yummy steak.
Yummy steak.

Eat Your Protein

Make protein a priority every meal, set yourself a daily goal, and be sure to include some of the 8 foods from the list above in your diet. I guarantee you will have no problem hitting your protein goal! And you will have taken another step in the right direction for your fitness journey!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to contact me here and don’t forget to sign up for my email list to claim your FREE copy of 34 Metabolic Workouts: Build Strength & Burn Fat.

“What’s your favorite protein?” Let me know in the comments below!

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