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Tag: Fat Loss

Walking for Weight Loss

Walking for Weight Loss

Have you ever been told you need to do vast amounts of intense cardio, running, or crazy amounts of exercise to reach your weight loss goals? Well, if you have… that’s just plain wrong. Alongside a calorie deficit, I would recommend walking for most people to lose weight. Walking is one of the most underrated and overlooked forms of exercise that you can do for weight loss. In this article I’m going to explain why you should be walking for…

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How to Get 6 Pack Abs

How to Get 6 Pack Abs

Do you ever find yourself wishing you had a more developed and stronger core? Or maybe you’ve got that beach vacation you’ve been dreaming of scheduled, and you find yourself wondering how to get 6 pack abs… Lucky for you, you’ve come to the right place! In this article I’ll cover the steps you need to reveal your abs, get that 6 pack popping, and build core strength along the way! Why You Should Train Your Abs First off, why…

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How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Hey cool! A new diet I can try! Maybe I’ll finally lose this weight for good! So you lose some weight quickly with your new diet and meal plan… Awesome! A couple weeks pass by… Wait! What? Somehow you’ve gained the weight you lost back. Ok, time to try a new diet – things will be different this time. So you lose some weight again. Yes! It worked! Uh oh – The scale is starting to creep up… And before…

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