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Tag: Weight Loss

Walking for Weight Loss

Walking for Weight Loss

Have you ever been told you need to do vast amounts of intense cardio, running, or crazy amounts of exercise to reach your weight loss goals? Well, if you have… that’s just plain wrong. Alongside a calorie deficit, I would recommend walking for most people to lose weight. Walking is one of the most underrated and overlooked forms of exercise that you can do for weight loss. In this article I’m going to explain why you should be walking for…

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How to Count Calories for Weight Loss

How to Count Calories for Weight Loss

Have you been jumping from diet to diet, struggling to lose weight, or struggling to keep weight off and now you’re sitting here feeling defeated wondering what’s next? Well, what if I told you there was a way you could lose weight, while eating all the foods you love, and you’d be more likely to keep that weight off? Sounds like a pretty good deal, right? So what’s this magic I speak of… No magic at all actually, just a…

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8 High Protein Foods for Weight Loss

8 High Protein Foods for Weight Loss

Do you struggle to eat enough protein throughout the day? Are you constantly hungry or craving more food? Sounds like you may not be getting enough protein, or eating the best high protein foods for weight loss. Getting enough protein in your diet is extremely important. For weight loss or building muscle protein is key. I know it can be difficult, especially if you’re not used to making protein a priority. I’m going to share with you why you need…

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How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Hey cool! A new diet I can try! Maybe I’ll finally lose this weight for good! So you lose some weight quickly with your new diet and meal plan… Awesome! A couple weeks pass by… Wait! What? Somehow you’ve gained the weight you lost back. Ok, time to try a new diet – things will be different this time. So you lose some weight again. Yes! It worked! Uh oh – The scale is starting to creep up… And before…

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